Chocolate Addiction Gone after 1 Treatment

Transcript of Dr. Jaudy Video Lecture, Chocolate Addiction Gone after 1 Treatment

QUESTION: When I first came to see you, I was craving sweets all the time, and I was eating chocolate, well everyday, at least once. The very first visit to you that completely went away.

DR. JAUDY: Everybody hear that? One treatment. Now the question is, Dr. Jaudy, what did you do? Okay, very, very profound. So sugar craving is a chemical imbalance in your brain stem. It’s a chemical imbalance in your brain stem. Basically in your hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, which is a structure in the brain that fires and feeds your organs. It tells your stomach what to do, tells your liver what to do, your small intestine, large intestine, kidney, pancreas.

Now the hypothalamus, I’m going to talk for just a little bit, excuse the technicality, if you don’t understand, please raise your hand. I’ll be glad to answer. The hypothalamus fires into the pituitary gland. If the hypothalamus is not able to regulate, or if you have a liver neural lymphatic congestion, which means as the liver is not firing through to your spinal cord back to your brain, it’s not getting the signal back, then you increase in your addiction or addictive habits.

Okay, so you’re not able to break them, so once we regulate your neurology, it’s like a chain, and you break it and it’s done. Now if you go back and eat, it comes back. If you intentionally do that. You say okay, I don’t believe it, let me eat sugar. It comes back because when we break the neurological loop, the negative neurological loop, it disappears because the brain regulates. Now this stays that way. So how long have you not craving sugar? Almost two months. Yeah, it’s done, one treatment. So very, very profound stuff.

Now, if you… Whatever you do to break addictions, and I want you to listen to this very, very carefully ladies and gentlemen, breaking addictions on your own is very, very hard. Okay, you break it, you’re on it, you break it, you’re on it. And then you say, okay, I’m going to shoot myself because I can’t take this. I want to stop something, whether it’s drugs, whether it’s sugar whether it’s chocolate, whether it’s beer, alcohol, whatever it is, you say I want to break it but I can’t do it because your brain is not properly mapped or remapped, but it’s not firing properly to carry greater chemicals. It’s a chain. It’s a chain of command. If the commander-in-chief is gone, somebody has to replace him or the whole army they will shoot each other. Does that make sense? Did that answer your question EJ? So it’s a neurological remapping.
