Patient Systems Care Program

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These lists are only meant to give the patient a preliminary idea of how we do it. Many parameters and procedures can change depending on the patient’s case, response, compliance and clinical indications.


Overview of Patient Systems Care

1.  Appointment
2.  Consultation
3.  Case history interview
4.  Medical records
5.  Review of medical records
6.  Schedule an examination
7.  Examination
8.  Diagnosis
9.  Examination recap
10. Report of findings
11. Summation of all medical records and examination explanation
12. Question and answer session
13. Treatment plan
14. Prognosis
15. Cost of treatment


Patient’s Initial Examination

Depending on the patient’s presentation, consultation, medical records, condition(s), symptoms and systems involved, this non-invasive examination could take from 1/2 an hour to 3 hours 1/2 hours, and will include some or all of the following:

1. Frontal lobe examination
2. Parietal lobe examination
3. Temporal lobe examination
4. Occipital lobe examination
5. Basal ganglia examination
6. Thalamus examination
7. Hypothalamus examination
8. Memory examination
9. Mental status examination
10. Cerebellum Examination
11. Vestibular examination
12. Ear nose and throat -ENT examination
13. Midbrain examination
14. Pond examination
15. Medulla examination
16. Spinal cord examination
17. Ascending tracts examination
18. Descending tracts examination
19. Sensory examination
20. Motor function examination
21. Muscular examination
22. Skeletal examination
23. Tendinous examination
24. Autonomic nervous system examination
25. Respiratory system examination
26. Peripheral nerves examination
27. Cranial nerves examination
28. Ocular movement examination
29. Eye examination
30. Ophthalmoscopic examination
31. Visual examination
32. Head and neck examination
33. Chest and lungs examination
34. Cardio vascular examination
35. Abdominal examination
36. Gastrointestinal examination
37. Liver examination
38. Gallbladder examination
39. Kidney examination
40. Intestinal examination
41. Adrenal examination
42. Genitourinary examination
43. Lymph node examination
44. Skin and nails examination
45. Vascular examination
46. Venous examination
47. Circulation examination
48. Gait examination
49. Postural examination
50. Vital signs examination
51. Comprehensive systems profile tests
52. Comprehensive blood tests
53. Comprehensive urinalysis testing
54. Comprehensive hormonal tests
55. Comprehensive adrenal/ cortisol tests
56. Hair analysis
57. Urine analysis
58. Heavy metal testing
59. Food allergy testing
60. Saliva testing
61. Genetic testing
62. MRIs
63. fMRIs
64. X-Rays
65. CT scans
66. PET scans
67. Doppler ultrasound
68. DEXA scans
69. Computerized dynamic posturography (CDP)
70. Videonystagmography (VNG)
71. Thermography
72. And any other additional tests, medical investigation and/or exams in-office and outside that might be clinically indicated at that time.


Patient’s Treatment

1. Brain-Based Neurological Applications-BBNA
2. Non- invasive, non- surgical and non- pharmaceutical treatment procedures
3. Targets specific brain regions
4. Targets specific brain and body pathways
5. Targets specific receptor site communication systems
6. Regulates sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia function
7. Focuses on signal processing and perception
8. Activates sensory and motor pathways
9. Restores somatosensory reception and brain remapping
10. Increases and resets coordination and balance
11. Amplifies brain-organ communication signaling
12. Increases digestion mechanisms and enhances circulation
13. Improves function and magnifies neural synaptic activities
14. Zeros in on individualized neurological feedback data and responses
15. Depends on pre-treatment and post-treatment testing and monitoringto ensure targeted results
16. We use mecanoreceptors, proprioceptors, pre and post ganglionic networks, ascending and descending pathways and tracts, joint receptors, muscle spindle system, ocular movement network, vestibular system, cranial nerve system, brain lobes and divisions, cerebellar pathways, auditory pathways, visual pathways, sensory pathways, dermatomal pathways, subdermal receptors, axonal pathways, peripheral nerve endings, postural positioning, gait locomotion, mental tasks, complex movements and instructions, and much more
17. We use sophisticated instruments, machines, digital testing, manual corrections, sensory stimulation, and other targeted and non- invasive procedures to send and restore proper signaling between the brain, organs and different body regions and divisions creating and augmenting neuroplasticity
18. Outcomes are based on pre and post treatment live testing
19. Results happen immediately and live
20. Treatment plans change quickly as the brain responds at the speed of light
21. Treatments are monitored minute by minute and readapted to the current neurological change and feedback of the brain, the body systems, and the patient.
22. No two treatments are alike, as no two patients with same condition are the same.
23. All treatments are recorded for quality assurance
24. Treatment phases are explained as needed depending on progress and clinical indication
25. Post treatment support is included and provided
26. Dietary guidelines are given based on individualized cases and conditions
27. Ergonomics instructions and support are part of the treatment program
28. Instructions on activities of daily living are included in the treatment and post treatment support is provided
29. Further medical, nutritional, ergonomic and daily activities support and consultation are part of the treatment program
30. Daily, weekly and monthly updates are required and supported to ensure progress, compliance, successful outcomes and patient satisfaction

These treatments and more are provided and monitored by Dr. Jaudy at the JAUDY TREAMENT CENTER, in addition to assigned, instructed and designated staff for individual cases. These unique and cutting-edge Treatment Applications are made to ensure the highest standard of effective, result-oriented, brain-based, non-invasive modern neuroscience healthcare in the specialties of Functional Neurology and Organ Remapping.


Our Program duration:

The JTC treatment program is very short, simple and effective, depending on the patient’s symptoms, chronicity and the multilayers of the condition.

1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks

1 session a day, 2 sessions a day, or all day

Patients are not admitted beyond 3 weeks. Some exceptions may apply depending on individualized cases and conditions.


Thank you for choosing us and your health.

Dr. Jaudy